About Me

My photo
Putra Heights, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Mother of seven wonderful children.Research Consultant.Love horseback riding..... my husband is my greatest friend....

Why specially4u ?

This blog is specially dedicated to all my children, materials and videos that I specially selected and posted from all sources, meant as part of educational process. Being apart from my children, makes me realized that, we could drift apart, so this blog now, becomes a meeting place for us, to communicate and share our ideas, feelings , thoughts etc... so, no matter where they are, I could feel them, really close by and I hope the same is for all of them....
This blog is way of saying, that I am alway here for you and I will support you, in whatever you are striving for in life.
I love you ...... mommy

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bilal Philips - Dawah Training Course



Dr. Philips was born in 1947 in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada, where he converted to Islam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic language and a B.A. degree in 1979 from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Madinah, an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia. At the University of Riyadh College of Education he completed his M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in 1994 he completed his Ph.D in Islamic Theology in the department of Islamic studies at the University of Wales. He later taught Islamic education and Arabic language in private schools in Riyadh for over ten years. Because of his opposition to Saudi Arabia's position in the Gulf War, he had to leave the country and for three years he lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic Studies department of Shariff Kabunsuan College (SKC) in Cotabato City, Mindanao, the Philippines.

Islamic Information Center

Since 1994, he has founded and directed the Islamic Information Center (which is now known as Discover Islam) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is known as a prolific speaker and author on topics relating to Islam, including audio lectures and books. Presently, he is a lecturer of Arabic language and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and ‘Ajman University in Ajmān, United Arab Emirates. He frequently appears at the Islamic Research Foundation in Mumbai, India, on lecture tours. He has also founded the Distance Learning Program called Islamic Online University, which offers a four year degree in Islamic Studies plus a variety of short courses. Dr. Philips is something of a pioneer as a person of Western origin achieving the status of a scholar of Islam inside the tradition. He has also been a major voice of a kind of Salafism, though splits among Salafis mean that he is not popular with all of them.[citation needed]


In April 2007, Australian and U.S media reported that Philips was denied a visa to enter Australia in order to speak at an Islamic conference in Melbourne.[1][2] The reports stated that the denial was based upon a check of the "movement alert list" which includes individuals who might pose a national security list. The reports also indicated that the U.S. government had named Philips as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and he was deported from the US in 2004. The reports also stated that Philips had once written that "Western culture, led by the United States, is the enemy of Islam."

In an interview given at during that same time, Philips accused the Australian authorities of "blindly following American allegations and unsubstantiated false accusations" claiming that investigations in the U.K. , Canada, and Australia had found no evidence that he was connected with terrorism.[3] In this interview, he also stated that he had not entered the U.S since 1995, characterizing the accusation that he had been deported in 2004 as an "outright lie" that should be followed by a defamation suit although there is no indication that such a suit was filed. Philips also called the statement that he was an "unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center "really a joke" claiming that it was based on a "supposedly leaked report" of over 100 prominent Muslims that were never charged, although unindicted individuals are never charged by definition.


  • Fundamentals of Tawheed.
  • Tafseer Soorah al-Hujuraat: A Commentary on the 49th Chapter of the Qur’aan. Riyadh: Tawheed Publications, 1411/1990
  • Usool at-Tafseer: The Methodology of Qur’aanic Explanation. Sharjah, UAE: Dar al-Fatah, 1997
  • The Evolution of Fiqh (Islamic Law & The Madh-habs. 3rd revised edition Riyadh: Tawheed Publications, 1990).
  • The Devil's Deception (Tablees Iblees)

Introduction to the Dawah Training Course by Dr.Bilal Philip

Bilal Philips - Dawah Training Course lecture 1

Bilal Philips - Dawah Training Course lecture 2

Bilal Philips - Dawah Training Course lecture 3

Bilal Philips - Dawah Training Course lecture 4

Monday, June 2, 2008

Knowledge is Light - Talib al-Habib

talib al-habib

Talib al-Habib was born in London in 1976 and grew up in Manchester, before moving to South Africa with his family for a ten year stay. It was here that he met his spiritual guide and began traversing the path of traditional Islam - the methodology of uniting the practical, intellectual and experiential facets of religion - under his instruction. He later returned to the UK in early 2002.

His distinctive style of inshad arises from a ten year childhood association with the Manchester Boy’s Choir, where he received vocal and technical training.

He began composing spiritual poetry and songs at the age of sixteen, and has continued to do so ever since. In early 2004, he was encouraged to compile a collection of English-language spiritual songs, which has culminated in ‘Songs of Innocence,’ an intensely personal journey into the experiential dimensions of Islam. He is also an author of three books of Islamic spirituality and ethics.

Talib has been a student of the sacred sciences for several years, which he pursues both through the traditional method of sitting with a shaykh, as well as through more contemporary approaches. He hopes to one day continue his studies at the classical centres of learning. Talib al-Habib is a takhallus (pen-name) meaning, ‘seeker of the beloved.’ Currently, he lives in the West Midlands, where he practises as a Medical Doctor specialising in Psychiatry. He is married with two young daughters

nasheed: articles of faith by talib al habib

amantu billahi wa mala'ikatihi
wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa al-yaum al-akhiri
wa al-qadri khayrihi wa sharrihi min Allah
wa al-ba'si ba`d al-maut, la ilaha illa Allah

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

La ilaha illa Allah (x3), Muhammad Rasulullah

Allah is the creator of heaven and of earth
Nothing may compare with Him, He is the One alone
The prophets, best of humankind
Sent to all nations and all tribes
Last of all Muhammad, mercy to the worlds.

Formed of light and beauty, the angels of the Lord
To praise Allah, to help mankind,
Jibril brings the word.
The scriptures, all by Allah sent,
Torah, Psalms and Gospel then
The source of perfect guidance, the Glorious Quran.

The reckoning, the Final Day, when all will see their works
Remade in soul and body to stand before the Lord
With patience bearing every grief
With thankfulness for all blessings
We are content with destiny, the Will of Allah.

Faith is belief in Allah and the Messengers
The angels and the Final Day, and the holy scriptures
And to believe in destiny
That good and bad both come from Him
And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

Talib Al Habib - Kalimatan + Translation

A hadith that Ibn Taymiyah regarded as very important!

The hadith in its entire context:

Abdur-Rahman ibn Sumurah said: "The Messenger of Allah (SAW) came out to us one day. He stood before us and said, 'Last night I saw something amazing. I saw a man from among my ummah to whom the Angel of Death came to seize his soul, but his honoring of his parents came and kept the Angel of Death away from him.

I saw a man whose torment in the grave was about to come upon him, and his wudoo came and saved him from that

I saw a man from among my ummah whom the devils had seized, but his remembrance of Allah came and banished the devils from him.

I saw a man from among my ummah whom the angels of torment had seized, but his prayer came and saved him from them

I saw a man from among my ummah tormented by thirst. Every time he approached the Cistern he was pushed back, then his Ramadan fasting came and gave him to drink and quenched his thirst

I saw a man from among my ummah, and I saw the prophets sitting in circles. Every time he approached a circle he was repulsed, then his doing ghusl to clean himself from janaabah came, took him by the hand and brought him to beside me

I saw a man from among my ummah in front of whom was darkness, behind him was darkness, to his right was darkness, to his left was darkness, above him was darkness and beneath him was darkness. He was stumbling in the darkness, then his Hajj and Umrah came and brought him out of the darkness into the light

I saw a man from among my ummah trying to protect himself with his hands from the flames and sparks of the Fire, then his sadaqah (charity) came and formed a barrier between him and the Fire, and shielded his head

I saw a man from among my ummah speaking to the believers but they did not speak to him. Then his uploading of family ties came and said, 'O' Muslims he used to upload ties of kinship, so speak to him.' Then the believers spoke to him and shook hands with him and he with them.

I saw a man from among my ummah whom the guards of Hell had seized, then his enjoining of what was good and forbidding of what was evil came and saved him from them, and brought him to be with the angels of mercy

I saw a man from among my ummah kneeling down, with a screen between him and Allah. Then his good manners and attitude came and took him by the hand, brought him before Allah

I saw a man from among my ummah whose record of deeds had come to him from his left. But his fear of Allah came, took his record and placed it in his right hand
I saw a man from among my ummah whose balance was light, but his children who died in infancy came and made his balance heavy

I saw a man from among my ummah teetering at the edge of Hell, but his hope in Allah came and saved him from that, and he moved on.

I saw a man from among my ummah who had been thrown into the Fire, then his tears that he had wept for fear of Allah came and saved him from that

I saw a man from among my ummah standing on the siraat (bridge over Hell), trembling like a leaf in a violent wind. Then his positive thinking of Allah came and made him steady and enabled him to cross

I saw a man from among my ummah crawling across the siraat, sometimes on his stomach and sometimes on all fours, clinging on. Then his sending blessings upon me came and made him stand on his feet, and saved him

I saw a man from among my ummah who had reached the gates of paradise, but the gates were locked and he was shut out. Then his testimony that there is no god except Allah came and opened the gates for him, and admitted him to Paradise."

This is narrated by Al-Haafiz Abu Moosa al-Madeeni in Al-Targeeb fi'l-khisaal al-munjiyah wa'l-Tarheeb min al-Khilaal al-Murdiyah. His book is based on this hadith, on which it is a commentary. He said, this hadith is hasan jiddan, and it is narrated from Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyid by 'Amr ibn Aazar and 'Ali ibn Zayd ibn Jad'aan and Hilaal Abu Jablah.

Talib Al Habib - Kalimatan + Translation

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sura Kahf Ayat 1-10

"One who memorized the first ten verses of Suratul Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal."
--Narrated by Abu Darda from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

English Translation:

1. All praise to Allah Who sent down the Book upon His Bondman and has not put therein any crookedness.

2. The Book of justice that may warn of severe punishment from Allah and that may give the believers who do good deeds the glad-tidings that for them there is good reward.

3. In it, they shall abide forever.

4. And that it may warn those who say, 'Allah has taken a son for Himself.'

5. They have no knowledge about it nor their forefathers. What a monstrous word it is, that comes out from their mouths. They are merely telling a lie.

6. Then haply you will risk your life with grief after them if they believe not in this discourse.

7. Undoubtedly We adorned the earth whatever is on it, so that We may test them as to which of them is best in works.

8. And undoubtedly whatever is on it, We shall one day leave it as a barren field.

9. Did you know that the men of the cave and of the forest's side were of Our a wonderful sign?

10. When those youths took refuge in the cave and said, 'O our Lord, 'grant to us mercy from yourself and provide for us guidance in our affair.

Surat Al-Kahf Part 1 (Total 37 Minutes) recited by Husary

Surat Al-Kahf Part 2 (Total 37 Minutes) recited by Husary

Surat Al-Kahf Part 3 (Total 37 Minutes) recited by Husary