About Me

My photo
Putra Heights, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Mother of seven wonderful children.Research Consultant.Love horseback riding..... my husband is my greatest friend....

Why specially4u ?

This blog is specially dedicated to all my children, materials and videos that I specially selected and posted from all sources, meant as part of educational process. Being apart from my children, makes me realized that, we could drift apart, so this blog now, becomes a meeting place for us, to communicate and share our ideas, feelings , thoughts etc... so, no matter where they are, I could feel them, really close by and I hope the same is for all of them....
This blog is way of saying, that I am alway here for you and I will support you, in whatever you are striving for in life.
I love you ...... mommy

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sura Kahf Ayat 1-10

"One who memorized the first ten verses of Suratul Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal."
--Narrated by Abu Darda from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

English Translation:

1. All praise to Allah Who sent down the Book upon His Bondman and has not put therein any crookedness.

2. The Book of justice that may warn of severe punishment from Allah and that may give the believers who do good deeds the glad-tidings that for them there is good reward.

3. In it, they shall abide forever.

4. And that it may warn those who say, 'Allah has taken a son for Himself.'

5. They have no knowledge about it nor their forefathers. What a monstrous word it is, that comes out from their mouths. They are merely telling a lie.

6. Then haply you will risk your life with grief after them if they believe not in this discourse.

7. Undoubtedly We adorned the earth whatever is on it, so that We may test them as to which of them is best in works.

8. And undoubtedly whatever is on it, We shall one day leave it as a barren field.

9. Did you know that the men of the cave and of the forest's side were of Our a wonderful sign?

10. When those youths took refuge in the cave and said, 'O our Lord, 'grant to us mercy from yourself and provide for us guidance in our affair.

Surat Al-Kahf Part 1 (Total 37 Minutes) recited by Husary

Surat Al-Kahf Part 2 (Total 37 Minutes) recited by Husary

Surat Al-Kahf Part 3 (Total 37 Minutes) recited by Husary