About Me

My photo
Putra Heights, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Mother of seven wonderful children.Research Consultant.Love horseback riding..... my husband is my greatest friend....

Why specially4u ?

This blog is specially dedicated to all my children, materials and videos that I specially selected and posted from all sources, meant as part of educational process. Being apart from my children, makes me realized that, we could drift apart, so this blog now, becomes a meeting place for us, to communicate and share our ideas, feelings , thoughts etc... so, no matter where they are, I could feel them, really close by and I hope the same is for all of them....
This blog is way of saying, that I am alway here for you and I will support you, in whatever you are striving for in life.
I love you ...... mommy

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


You can find the comments to this video in youtube....lots of them...it is interesting to see the reactions of people... how,what you say and do effect people around you....you can definitely learn something from this video....I most definitely do...it is really a very healthy way to look at things from all different views and perspectives,coming from different people .... its good to open your mind .....but just as I once posted in this blog

SEE.... then think....investigate and think again...
make your own conclusion based on sound judgement , deepened knowledge and cast out prejudice and seek with sincerity in the heart, to what you believe,to be the truth.... I believe than the truth, will be revealed to you...then live by what you believe in...and respect others in what they believe in....

hostilities.animosities,prejudices ......... we don't need them right now,we in the world today is already in such a mess....what we need is to work toward basic respect and understanding instead..this is how I honestly feel.....
... to live, to love,to leave a legacy..... vistamom

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